Birds Club International is constantly striving to improve people's awareness and knowledge about the birds that surround them. In order to effectively combat the increasing conservation threats now faced, it is vital that as many people as possible learn and appreciate how birds contribute to our life. By building awareness and imparting knowledge about birds through a variety of schemes, actions and activities at various levels on national and international platforms, Birds Club International will work to ensure that birds continue to play a paramount role in our cultures and remain an integral part of all our lives, being symbols of universal joy, love and peace beyond all barriers of regions, religions, languages and politics.

1. INITIATE learning and act on reviving and protecting the environment, with the focus on Birds to disseminate and convey our message far and wide through all means
2. INSPIRE children and youth by sharing the joy of watching and learning from nature, connecting them more closely with nature; to make them understand more and be more curious about the miracle of life and its myriad forms, the biodiversity
3. INSTILL respect for nature through awareness building, about the need to preserve nature and outcomes if habitats are lost
4. INVOLVE all; make them feel responsible towards the environment and to get them involved in improving it through volunteering and a variety of activities befitting different age groups so as to inspire them and make them act